2021-09-10 Volunteers Needed for the Back to School Bash

The PTSA and the Student Activities Office is in need of volunteers to help with the Back to School Bash this Friday night. This is a super fun event for the students.  There will be games, food trucks, music, etc. before the home football game that starts at 7:00.  Please consider volunteering to help make this a success for our students. 

Back to School BashThe TJ Activities Office is once again hosting the Back to School Bash this Friday before the football game. The fun starts at 4:00 and the football game starts at 7:00.  The Activities Office has asked the TJ PTSA to help.  Please consider volunteering.  We will also have a table set up for membership registration and questions.  Food trucks and games will be on site for the kids and adults from 4-8. The TJ PTSA will be providing food vouchers to all the faculty and staff.  Let’s Go Colonials!!www.signupgenius.com