With the help of the TJ community, TJ Academic Boosters (“TJAB”) supports TJ’s many outstanding Academic Teams. Now is a great time to join Academic Boosters and help fund Academic Teams’ expenses. Please support TJAB by becoming a new member or renewing your membership.
*** Remember you need to renew your membership each year!***
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Our Plan for this Year
Please support TJAB by becoming a member or renewing your membership. TJAB provides funds to support TJ’s many outstanding academic teams such as Botball, Certamen, Chess, Debate, Japanese bowl, Speech, Model UN, Physics, Quiz Bowl, Rubik’s Cube, Science Olympiad, Varsity Math and more. Even though tournaments are happening mostly online this season, our teams still incur significant registration fees, especially at the prestigious national level. The students have worked hard to qualify and we need your help to support our wonderful teams! Any level of contribution is highly appreciated.