Category Archives: Health & Wellness

2021-04-25 Stress Less, Laugh More Week (Apr 26-30)

Brought to you by the TJ PTSA Health & Wellness Committee

Students from TJ Minds Matter kick off Stress Less, Laugh More Week by painting the rock with messages of encouragement before AP Exams. TJ students will see other activities over the week to increase awareness of mental health resources and spread positivity and connection. Since we haven’t been able to host therapy dogs this year, there will be a Share Your Pet day this week (students at home can share live and in person students can bring a photo to share) during classes. 

2021-04-28 Strengths Finder Assessment workshop (8th period)

Students: Do you ever wonder if your personality is compatible with leadership? Do people ever tell you that you need to be more assertive or more chill in group projects? 

Come to Honor Council during A and B block on Wednesday, April 28 to take a personal strengths assessment and hear Dr. Nance Lucas speak about how to understand and implement your strengths! You can also discuss your results with others.

Parents: Encourage your student to sign up for this great opportunity (in ion/8th period signups) to take the Gallup Organizations’ Clifton Strengths Finder Assessment for free.

2021-04-11 We Are One TJ 5K a Smashing Success

Thanks for helping to make the We Are One TJ Virtual 5K a smashing success–279 total from our TJ community signed up for the run/walk this weekend across Northern Virginia, including 49 TJ Staff! Thankfully we had some great weather Saturday for everyone to get out, get some exercise and enjoy the spring. 

You can still post 5K photos (or take a look!) on the OneTJ5k Facebook page, tag @OneTJ5k, or email photos to

Thank you to the PTSA (and all of you for your memberships) for supporting this event, by funding the t-shirts as well as participating in the 5K. If you didn’t get out this weekend, you can still join in by doing your own 5K another day while listening to the student playlist. We can’t wait until we are ALL together in person again, but in the meantime, you are not forgotten–know that you are missed and keep reaching out to each other. No matter where we are, We Are One TJ!

PTSA Health & Wellness Committee

Teachers Alouf Jirari Scovotto (Dr. J) and Dan Tra doing the 5K


2021-03-18 4:15-5:15 Mental Health Coalition Meeting

TJ’s Mental Health Coalition is a group of students, staff members, and parents who are working together this year to coordinate mental health efforts for the TJ community. During the February meeting, groups including TJ Minds Matter, SGA, class councils, PTSA, and Student Services, shared their current projects and initiatives. To learn more about their plans, check out the notes below. The next MHC meeting will be one Thursday, March 18 from 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm. As always, if you are interested in attending future meetings and would like more information, please fill out the form below to join the email list!

Notes from last meeting:

Email List Signup Form:

Video link:
Join by phone‪ (US) +1 617-675-4444‬ PIN: ‪657 521 046 7166‬#

2021-03-17 Virtual Drop-In Session with TJ Psychologist Dr. Esther Barkat

Do you have questions or concerns about your student or yourself that you would like to ask a mental health professional about? Parents are Guardians are welcome to join this online session between 7-8 PM on Wednesday, March 17 at this link: (tip: the Chrome browser works best).

This time is best for topics which other parents/guardians might also relate to, asking informational questions, or just getting to know Dr. Barkat, as there may be other parents in the session at the same time (similar to the school counselor sessions for students offered on Mondays, during lunch, etc.). If you have a more private matter you would like to discuss, you are welcome to set up an individual time to talk with Dr. Barkat by emailing her at

2021-04-09 to 04-11 WE ARE ONE TJ Virtual 5K Run/Walk

Are you bored of sitting in front of a screen all day? Do you miss your TJ friends? Grab your mask and make a plan to run or walk the WE ARE ONE TJ 5K!!

On the weekend of April 9,10,11, anytime and anywhere, make a plan to get outside and reconnect with friends, family, or perhaps with nature. Just estimate a 5K route and start moving!

Download the playlist at:

Post your 5K photos (we miss seeing you!) at:

The PTSA Health & Wellness Committee

2021-03-09 and 11 HELP NEEDED: Welcome Back to School greeters!

While school will not look like what students are used to, there is probably a mixture of excitement with a bit of worry and the unknown for students and staff coming back in person. It has been almost a full year since students have attended classes at TJ (and some are stepping into the school for the first time as TJ students)! Help us start each new group off with a warm, enthusiastic welcome as the students arrive to school.

We plan to have a small group of parents spread along the entry lane just like we have done in the past for AP exams (except with masks)–holding posters with positive messages and cheering them on. Sign up here to join the fun!

  • Tuesday, March 2 – Grades 9 & 12, A-K
  • Thursday, March 4 – Grades 9 & 12, L-Z
  • Tuesday, March 9 – Grades 10 & 11, A-K
  • Thursday, March 11 – Grades 10 & 11, L-Z

Tuesday, March 2 greeters

2021-02-18 POSTPONED – Mental Health Coalition Meeting

This meeting will be rescheduled due to the snow day. Check back for an update.

4:15-5:15 PM

*Note the new time, 15 minutes earlier, due to the new bell schedule*

All parents, guardians, and students are invited to join the Mental Health Coalition, led by SGA and the student mental health group Minds Matter. MHC brings together students, administration, teachers, counselors and parents to coordinate mental health and wellness efforts for the TJ community. Video link available on the PTSA Google calendar. Meetings occur monthly on the 3rd Thursday, 4:15-5:15 PM.

2021-04-22 Yoga (online) – Until April 22

Yoga is back! Join others in the TJ community for livestreamed yoga with PE teacher Mr. Arthur at 5-6 PM on Mondays and Thursdays, or on demand, both at (You can follow his channel to get notification reminders.)

Yoga will be held February 22 through April 22, with a week off for Spring Break.

Congrats to our yoga mat drawing winners from among the fall yoga survey respondents: Sean Nguyen ’21 and Gabriel Witkop ’22. Thank you to the TJ Partnership Fund for supporting Health & Wellness at TJ by donating these mats from Maiya (founded by a TJ alum).