Category Archives: Committees

2020-12-16 Mental Health Coalition meeting (WEDNESDAY) 4:30-5:30 PM

(Note date change from usual Thursday meetings.) All parents, guardians, and students are invited to join the Mental Health Coalition, led by SGA and the student mental health group Minds Matter. MHC brings together students, administration, teachers, counselors and parents to coordinate mental health and wellness efforts for the TJ community. Video link available on the PTSA Google calendar. Meetings occur monthly on the 3rd Thursday, 4:30-5:30 PM.

2020-11-20 Launching Your Adolescent into Adulthood video

The video from this 10/30/2020 FCPS Parent Resource Center workshop “Launching Your Adolescent into Adulthood” is now posted online. Some topics include:

  • 10 Tips to help launch your young adult successfully into adulthood
  • Strategies to teach your child “soft” employment, money management and communication/self-advocacy skills.

Presented by Dr. Amy Fortney Parks, LPC, ACS, Owner of The Wise Family Counseling & Assessment Services in Alexandria and Arlington

For upcoming events or to view past workshops, visit the FCPS Parent Resource Center.

2020-11-20 Send Thanksgiving cards to teachers, staff, students, friends and family

SGA, Minds Matter and the PTSA Health & Wellness Committee would like to encourage you to show your appreciation for teachers, staff, your student, your friends or family this Thanksgiving by sending free electronic or printable Thanksgiving cards:

Once you’ve finished your message, click “next” and “send online.” For sending cards to FCPS email addresses, DO NOT click “send via email.” These messages cannot reach web addresses! Instead, click “copy link” and send them an email containing the link.

You can also print the cards and stick them in the mail (for non-staff). You can look up many of your TJ friends’ mailing addresses on AtoZConnect. Login (using the same login as your PTSA account), and click the drop down menu in the upper left corner, then choose “directory.”

2020-11-19 Mental Health Coalition Meeting, 4:30-5:30 PM

All parents, guardians, and students are invited to join the Mental Health Coalition, led by SGA and the student mental health group Minds Matter, which brings together students, administration, teachers, counselors and parents to coordinate mental health and wellness efforts for the TJ community. Video link available on the PTSA Google calendar. Meetings occur monthly on the 3rd Thursday, 4:30-5:30 PM.

2020-10-21 College Outreach Committee Meeting, 7:30-8:30 PM

It turns out that the PTSA meeting was also schedule for October 15. This meeting is being rescheduled for Wednesday, October 21 at 7:30pm.
All volunteers interested in college outreach activities are invited to attend. We are trying to find speakers (college admission officers, counselors, admission experts or others) to present on a monthly basis. 
If you know someone who can speak on topics such as college admissions, scholarship and financial aid applications, career choices, campus life, etc., please let us know and join our 2020-21 kickoff meeting to discuss. This will be a virtual meeting. A Zoom link will be provided prior to the meeting.

2020-10-15 Mental Health Coalition Meeting, 4:30-5:30

All parents, guardians, and students are invited to join the Mental Health Coalition, led by SGA and the student mental health group Minds Matter, and brings together students, administration, teachers, counselors and parents to coordinate mental health efforts for the TJ community. Video link available on the PTSA Google calendar. Meetings occur monthly on the 3rd Thursday, 4:30-5:30 PM.