Category Archives: Committees

2020-12-10 LAST YOGA CLASS – survey with yoga mat raffle

Yoga is winding down for the semester and we want to hear from you! If you participated in yoga this session, please fill out a brief survey by 12/17 for the chance to win a stunning, premium yoga mat from Maiya (founded by TJ alum). Thank you to the TJ Partnership Fund for providing the mats!

Brought to you by the PTSA Health & Wellness Committee.

2020-11-17 Being a Present Parent series with TJ Social Worker Danielle Armstrong

RSVP and view the link to join: (Note: please use Google Chrome for best technology experience with Blackboard Collaborate)

How do I get my teenager to talk to me? Why don’t they tell me everything? This 4-part, support-group-style discussion series based on The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Are Wired, by Daniel Siegel, MD, and Tina Payne Bryson, PhD. Come learn why it is not about being a perfect parent, but a present parent. When we help our kids feel, Safe, Seen, Soothed, and Secure, we will hear their thoughts, feel their emotions, celebrate their successes, comfort their worries, and launch them into adulthood prepared to be independent and healthy.

You are not required to read the book, nor are you required to attend all sessions.

Parenting is hard. Life is busy. Join us virtually on Tuesdays as you are able.

October 20, 7-8:30 pm
October 27, 7-8:30 pm

November 10, 2-3:30 pm
November 17, 2-3:30 pm

Brought to you by the PTSA Health & Wellness Committee
View Flyer

2020-10-16 Reflections Call for Entries

Reflections Arts is a nationwide program to encourage and recognize students’ initiative and talents in the arts.
Students can submit artwork entries about this year’s theme — “I Matter Because…” in any of six categories: Film Production, Dance Choreography, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. And this year all the Reflections entries will be digital. 

2020-2021 Reflections rules and entry forms can be found at the official site

Entries must follow all general rules and category-specific rules:

Entries will be submitted directly to the respective links below:

UPDATE: Submissions are closed. Thank you for participating!

  • Dance Choreography
  • Film Production 
  • Literature 
  • Music Composition
  • Photography 
  • Visual Art

For Film Production, Music Composition, and Dance Choreography,  if background music is used in dance/film, citation is required. List musician(s) or instrumentation for music. Recordings must not exceed 5 minutes, or be a file larger than 1,000 MB. For Literation entries, please include word count that must be less than 2,000 words. For Photography/visual arts, please list dimensions. 

Student entries are judged at school, county, district, state, and national levels. This year’s deadline is Friday October 16, 2020. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Reflections program Chair Meredith Calwell, Co-Chairs Lin Zhuang and Heather Li via the Reflections Contact Form.

Human Relations Committee

Class Representatives:

Weiwen Gu, class of 2021
Jenny Han, class of 2022
Ting Liu, class of 2023
Sunny Sun, class of 2024

“The purpose of the Human Relations Committee is to provide a forum where the different stakeholders in the TJ community (students, parents, faculty and administration) can discuss their concerns and work together to find common solutions. Our parent representatives are a vital part of our committee due to the important perspective they bring to it” – Dr. Larson.

This committee is initiated by the school. The Principle, counselors, teachers, parents and students discuss a variety of topics we face during the school year. The topics last year ranged from middle school to TJ transition, consistency in teaching pace and materials, workload balance, student advocacy, mental health, senior college application, workload management, parties, clubs, etc.. We had productive sessions where solid decisions were made quickly.

New challenges will appear due to online learning and we look forward to good communication, creativity and collaboration for the new school Year. 

For the 2020-21 school year, meetings are scheduled for the third Monday of each month starting October 19th.

2020-09-24 Mental Health Coalition Meeting THIS THURSDAY

The Mental Health Coalition is led by SGA and the student wellness group Our Minds Matter, and includes administration, teachers, student services staff, as well as parents, to coordinate efforts on mental health at TJ. All are welcome! First meeting of the school year will be Thursday, September 24, 4:30-5:30 PM (join using this link). We will be discussing updates from mental health efforts over the summer, reviewing our goals for this school year, and opening the floor to anyone who has concerns or ideas for this upcoming year. Please come with any input you have or just to hear about the work in progress! Contact or with questions.

2020-10-05 PTSA Health & Wellness Committee Meeting

All parents and guardians who are interested in fostering community at TJ, and working on efforts to provide educational events and increase awareness of how to support students for good mental health, are welcome to attend the next PTSA Health & Wellness Committee Meeting on Monday, October 5, 1:30-3:00 pm. (email if you would like the video link).

Also, stay tuned! The Mental Health Coalition will hold its first meeting soon as well. This group is run by SGA and the student wellness group Our Minds Matter, and includes administration, teachers, student services staff, as well as parents, to coordinate efforts on mental health at TJ.