Category Archives: PTSA Meetings

PTSA meeting announcements. This is used to aggregate all the meeting resource (minutes, budgets etc.) in one place.

2022-05-26 6:30-9:00 PM PTSA General Membership Meeting (In Person)

You are invited to join us next Thursday night for the last PTSA meeting of the year.  We will be celebrating all of our amazing parent volunteers, hearing from the SGA, and electing officers for next year!  We’ll start at 6:30 pm with Anita’s Burritos and socializing and then will begin the business meeting promptly at 7 pm. Membership will be checked at the door for voting purposes, so please bring your ID. We hope to see you there!

Click on the links below to access the meeting materials:

2022-04-21 6:30-9:00 PM PTSA General Membership Meeting (In Person)

You are invited to join us for our next General Membership meeting, which will be held in the cafeteria.  We’ll start at 6:30 pm with light refreshments and socializing, and then will begin the business meeting promptly at 7 pm.  Membership will be checked at the door for voting purposes, so please bring your ID. During this meeting, we will hear from the SGA, Principal Dr. Bonitatibus, Betsy Sandstrom, Committee Chairs, and our Treasurer.  In addition, we will discuss and vote on the proposed LUOS changes presented by the Bylaws Committee at the previous meeting and find out the recommended officers’ slate from the Nominating Committee. We hope to see you there!

Click on the links below to access the meeting materials:

·      Proposed Meeting Agenda

·     2022-03-24 Meeting Minutes (draft)

·     Budget Report

·     Bylaws/Governance Committee Report

2022-03-24 6:30-9:00 PM PTSA General Membership Meeting (In Person)

You are invited to join us for our next General Membership meeting, which will be held in the cafeteria.  We’ll start at 6:30 pm with light refreshments and socializing, and then will begin the business meeting promptly at 7 pm.  Membership will be checked at the door for voting purposes, so please bring your ID.  We have a packed agenda! During this meeting, we will hear from the SGA, Assistant Principal Russell, Betsy Sandstrom, Committee Chairs, and our Treasurer.  In addition, we will vote on a proposed budget revision, formally adopt past General Membership meeting minutes, and finalize the Nominating Committee.  We hope to see you there!

Click on the links below to access the meeting materials:

·        Proposed Meeting Agenda

·        2022 Nominating Committee Candidate Statements

·        Bylaws/Governance Committee Report

·        Budget Report

·        Proposed Budget Revisions

·        Past General Membership Meeting Minutes

2022-01-27 7:00-9:00 pm PTSA General Membership Meeting (Virtual)

Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the
meeting. Do NOT share the link you receive as it only allows one device to join.

2021-11-11 TJPTSA General Membership Meeting on Nov. 11th, 2021

TJPTSA General Membership Meeting on Nov. 11th, 2021

Dear TJPTSA members,

  TJPTSA will hold its general membership meeting at 7:00PM on Nov. 11th, 2021 to elect its new President alongside other agenda items at TJ cafeteria. Members may sign in at the entrance of the TJ cafeteria from 6:30PM.   

  The deadline to purchase TJPTSA membership for the election is 9:00PM, Nov. 10th, 2021 when the PTSA store will be temporarily closed. 

  A presidential candidate will be either self-nominated or nominated by another member from the floor before he or she may choose to make a statement no longer than three minutes concerning their credentials and/or plans for the office. A majority of votes cast will be necessary to elect. If no candidate achieves a majority on the first ballot, the second and final ballot will be limited to the two candidates receiving the most votes on the first ballot. 

  The meeting agenda can be found here with election rule. In addition, the VAPTA self-help for general membership meeting is available too.  

TJPTSA Executive Board

2021-10-14 TJPTSA General Membership Meeting

TJPTSA will hold a general membership meeting on October 14th, 2021 from 7PM to 9PM

Location: ZOOM
Meeting ID: 894 3954 9602
Passcode: 720489

The meeting agenda can be found here.

Proposed Budget:

Reconciliation files:  and

Last GM meeting draft minutes:

Financial Review:

TJ PTSA General Membership Fee Survey

It has been brought to our attention by the VA PTA that our membership fees are one of the highest in the state, and are the highest in the surrounding area. This is a matter that we are looking into and would like community feedback. Please participate in the two-question survey regarding the PTSA General Membership Fee. Should we reduce the General Membership fee?

Some comparison data:

TJ PTSA Adult Membership $40

Langley PTSA Parent Membership $25

Westfield HS PTSA Adult Membership $20

Herndon HS PTSA Membership $10

TJ PTSA General Membership Fee Survey