Category Archives: Volunteer

Call for TJPTSA Volunteers for School Year 2021-2022

The TJ PTSA seeks parents interested in becoming involved at TJ by serving on one of the TJPTSA committees.

TJPTSA has four main committees and numerous subcommittees. The committee descriptions are below. Think you might be interested? Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form to learn more about these opportunities.

1. Academic Support Committee: Educating parents about how best to navigate TJ in an effort to help parents better support their students. The Academic Support Committee fosters relationships with the TJ staff to build consensus for collaborative solutions through dialogue and engagement. Activities include Navigating TJ Workshop and Senior Sharing events.

2. College Outreach Committee: To assist students with a focus on junior and senior classes in understanding the college application process and career choices, assisting TJ’s College and Career Center (CCC) with what is needed to improve outreach to colleges and universities, and assisting the CCC in fostering better connections with college admission officers and promoting TJ by providing volunteers. Activities include organizing forums for students and parents.

3. Diversity Committee: To celebrate the diversity at TJ and champion effective, measurable strategies and actions that strength TJ’s ability to quantifiably attract, develop and graduate students from underrepresented minority groups. The TJ PTSA Diversity Committee sponsors event to promote awareness of STEM and TJ, with a focus on underrepresented students. In addition, the Diversity Committee promotes connections and community.

4. Family Engagement Committee: Increasing awareness of mental health and emotional well-being within the TJ community. Particularly, the Family Engagement Committee works to engage the TJ parent community in the school wide efforts focusing on student balance and wellness. Another important focus is to organize events to shown the faculty and staff at TJ our appreciation for their amazing efforts in educating and nurturing our children. This committee has the following subcommittees: All Night Graduate Party, Challenge Success, Health and Wellness, Hospitality, Membership, Reflections, and Human Relations.

Questions? Email We look forward to working together to support our children and the TJ Community.

TJPTSA Executive Board

TJ PTSA Volunteer Interest Form

The TJ PTSA seeks parents interested in getting involved at TJ by serving on one of the TJ PTSA committees! If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the contact information and check the box next to the committee(s) of interest. Committee Chairs will be organizing information sessions early in the 2021-2022 school year. Questions? Email

TJ PTSA Volunteer Interest Form

2020-10-10 Communications & IT (CIT) Committee Volunteers Needed

We don’t have a communications/IT committee, but we need help with streamlining how news and upcoming events are disseminated to our community. We also need help w/general IT administration (web site, Google Suite, etc.)

Please read below and if you’d like to help please use the TJ PTSA contact form to let us know.

We need a few folks who are interested in helping process and maintain the following:

  • Upcoming Events posts on our web site (make WordPress posts)
  • Calendar Events (add events to our Google Calendar)
  • Newsletter Submissions (add stories to our Newsletter and send it out)
  • TJHSSTPTSA Facebook Posts (post events and news on our FB page)

We’d like to make it easy for people to submit upcoming events and news items and have them show up in all 4 places mentioned above.

We are working out the workflow, but one proposal is:

  1. A submission for a news item or upcoming event is received by the team.
  2. The Corresponding Secretary approves it
  3. The team creates the web site post, calendar event, newsletter story, and FB post for the item.

Each week the newsletter should contain all news and upcoming event items. The newsletter should go out each Sunday evening.


We need a few folks to help w/the technical aspect of the WordPress web site maintenance (backups, migration, user management, CSS, etc.), domain registration, hosting maintenance (deal with issues with our DNS, web site hosting payment issues), and Google Suite administration (create new users/emails, manage email groups, calendar permissions, google drive permissions).