Author Archives: admin

2021-01-08 Dr. Bonitatibus Named FCPS 2020 Region 2 Outstanding Principal

Link to news release

By Department of Human Resources


JANUARY 04, 2021

Congratulations to Principal DrAnn Bonitatibus who was recognized as the FCPS 2020 Region 2 Outstanding Principal and one of five finalists for the 2020 Outstanding Principal Award!

Ann Bonitatibus

“We are more than a GPA. We are a GPS, a supportive guide that navigates students to their destination.” This mantra frames Ann’s devotion to TJHSST. Rankings may spur unhealthy competition and create stressors, compromising student wellness. Therefore, with student, staff, and parent feedback, TJHSST enlisted in Challenge Success, a network of schools that define success beyond grades and test scores. Ann is proud of the TJ Commitment Wall where pledge certificates from every teacher promise new ways to create engaging lessons, incorporate project-based learning, develop alternative assessments, give students voice and choice, and personally connect with students. PTSA also sponsors Principal’s Book Clubs with Ann and seminars for parents, thus, uniting a healthier and more joyful school community.

Outstanding Principal Finalists and School-level Recipients

2021-01-22 7-9pm TJ SGA Virtual Karaoke Concert

Be sure to register for TJ’s Virtual Karaoke Concert where you can end off the semester by watching fellow students perform songs or performing songs yourself!

If you are interested in singing a song, be sure to sign up by January 19th, 11:59 PM at this Google Form: and join the Zoom meeting at 6:45pm for a mic check. If you are just attending to listen, you may join at 7pm.

Register in advance for this Zoom event:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


2021-01-06 Fairfax County Council PTA Mini-Grant for Student Tech

Fairfax County Council PTA (FCCPTA) is pleased to announce our 2020-21 Student Technology Mini-Grant Program.

Through a generous donation from the Fairfax County NAACP, FCCPTA is offering Fairfax County Public School students (in grades 3-11) an opportunity to obtain a $500 mini-grant for the purchase of a computer and/or technology-related device or equipment.

There are six (6) mini-grants available. In order to apply, the student or their parent/guardian MUST be a member of a PTA/PTSA.

Application deadline: Friday, January 15, 2021
For more information, contact Michelle Leete at

Student Mini-Grant Application

2021-01-05 (video) Alumni panel on college and life journeys

The Minds Matter student mental health and wellness group hosted an alumni panel during 8th period on 12/2/20 to hear their inspiring stories of their college decisions and destinations, dealing with disappointment and mental health challenges, and finding their paths in life. Featuring Katherine Du (TJ ’18), Ruhee Shah (TJ ’15), Emily Rea (TJ ’07), and Vikram Chiruvolu (TJ ’93).

View the recording here.

2021-01-29 How to Raise a Boy: The Power of Connection to Build Good Men (slides)

Slides from this virtual event are available here:

Tuesdays, January 12 & 19, 7-8:30 PM

Relationships, valuing emotions, and building social connections are important to healthy development. Join Dr. Esther Barkat, TJ psychologist, to discuss ideas from the book How to Raise a Boy: The Power of Connection to Build Good Men by Dr. Michael C. Reichert. Reichert says, “The paradigms about boys needing to be stoic and manly can actually cause them to shut down. The key to changing the culture lies in how parents, educators, and mentors help boys develop socially and emotionally.” In his book, he gives step by step guidance.

(From book description:) Featuring the latest insights from psychology and neuroscience, How to Raise a Boy will help those who care for young boys and teenagers build a boyhood that will enable them to grow into confident, accomplished and kind men.

Our Wellness book idea list includes titles referred to in the January 12 session.

2021-01-21 Mental Health Coalition Meeting

All parents, guardians, and students are invited to join the Mental Health Coalition, led by SGA and the student mental health group Minds Matter. MHC brings together students, administration, teachers, counselors and parents to coordinate mental health and wellness efforts for the TJ community. Video link available on the PTSA Google calendar. Meetings occur monthly on the 3rd Thursday, 4:30-5:30 PM.

2020-12-18 New TJ Admissions Policy

On Dec 17, the FCPS School Board voted to change the TJ Admissions policy. More details here.

If you’d like to provide feedback on the policy, feel free to contact these policymakers:

This is an email I received from an at-large School Board member. A few things it does not mention, but the link above does, include that the admission test, application fee, and teach recommendations have been eliminated. Teach recommendations have been replaced by “experience factors”.

TJ admissions section from the email from FCPS School Board Member-at-large Rachna Sizemore Heizer is below. Click here to see the complete email.

TJHSST Admissions 

Our Board reviewed options for revising admissions to the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) admissions process and voted to implement a holistic review admissions process.

  • On September 5, 2020 the Superintendent proposed a Merit Lottery process for admissions. 
  • After Board review and comment, the Superintendent revised this plan to present to the Board two different TJ admissions plans – a hybrid merit lottery admissions plan and a holistic review admissions plan. More details on these plans are in the links below:
  • After hearing from many community advocates and much Board discussion, on December 17th, the School Board voted to change the admissions policy for TJHSST to a holistic review as detailed in pages 10, 11, and 12 of the presentation linked above.
    • A holistic review will be done of students whose applications demonstrate enhanced merit, which includes being enrolled in Algebra I in 8th grade as well as demonstrating strong preparedness for TJ through enrollment in honors classes.
    • Students will be evaluated on their grade point average (GPA); a portrait sheet where they will be asked to demonstrate Portrait of a Graduate attributes and 21st century skills; a problem-solving essay; and experience factors, including students who are economically disadvantaged, English language learners, special education students, or students who are currently attending underrepresented middle schools. 
  • 550 seats will available to the freshman class  
  • The top 1.5 percent of the eighth grade class at each public middle school who meet the standards will be eligible for admission
  • The remaining seats will be offered to the highest-evaluated students. There will not be regional pathways for admissions.
  • The Board also voted to make the process opt out versus opt in for all eligible students, asked for a community outreach plan to reach out to eligible students and their families to encourage applications and asked for the Superintendent to report on the diversity of the class, attrition rates and more in a public meeting.
  • More Information Here 

2020-12-20 Donations Needed for TJ Teacher/Staff Holiday Gift Cards

Dear TJ Parents,

We hope you are staying safe and healthy. As many of you know, one way the TJ PTSA shows our gratitude to the TJ staff and faculty who work tirelessly to provide our students an amazing education is by hosting four staff lunches throughout the year.

Due to health considerations we have not been able to host the first two this year. Instead we are expressing our thankfulness with a $20 Amazon gift card for everyone that works at TJ.

We need your help to fund this effort.

Thank you to those who have already purchased a 2020-21 TJ PTSA membership.

If you would like to help this effort, please donate using the same link. Even if you are not a TJ PTSA member, you can still donate using your AtoZ connect account. Use this link and scroll down to the Donate section. Simply purchase a Special Event Donation and enter “Staff Appreciation Gift Cards” on the Note to Seller line.

If you don’t use AtoZ Connect at all, you can still mail donations to:

6560 Braddock Rd
Alexandria, VA 22312

Thank you and have safe and peaceful holiday!

TJ PTSA Hospitality Committee

2021-01-08 SGA Game Night 6pm-8pm

SGA is hosting a Game Night for all students on Jan 8th, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM! It will be a night of fun games including Scattegories, Codenames, and a friendly competition of Pictionary with Amazon gift card prizes at the end of the night!

To play with others, put the names of your group members in this <google form to be added>

Parents, encourage your kids to join in this fun, social activity with their peers.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

2020-12-17 TJ Parents to Speak at School Board Meeting Tonight!

NOTE: There is an FCPS School Board meeting tonight at 7pm

It seems that TJ admissions changes will be decided.

Citizen participation 7:15pm, including several TJ parents!

Confirmation of actions taken in closed session 8pm