Cultural Clash: Defining the impact of your story and utilizing its strengths to build comfort and confidence in parenting

Friday, Apr. 4 from 9 to 10:30 am, TJHSST Franklin Commons

Did you grow up in a different country? Are you the first generation in your family to be raised in the US? Were your experiences growing up different than your children’s? We all have a cultural story. Our background and the environment in which we grew up influences our values and priorities, how we understand our children’s behavior, and the choices we make as parents. This can be complicated when our experiences differ from our partner’s and/or our children’s. In this interactive parent support group, Danielle Armstrong (TJ’s Social Worker) will lead us through exploring how our own story impacts our parenting and how to utilize our strengths to build comfort and confidence in our children as their story is unfolding. Come to this session and connect with other TJ parents! Register here.

— TJPTSA Health and Wellness Committee