General Membership Meeting (Sep 14, 2023)

You are invited to the first General Membership meeting of the year, scheduled for Thursday, September 14th at 7 PM. This first meeting will be conducted virtually, allowing greater participation for all! During this session, we will introduce the new Executive Board and Committee Chairs, explore volunteer opportunities, review and vote on the baseline budget, re-vote on established meeting rules from last year, and hear about upcoming PTSA events and initiatives.

Please register for the meeting via the following link. When registering, please use the name and email address in the AtoZ system for membership verification and voting purposes. Please note that only TJ PTSA members are eligible to make motions and cast votes. To become a member, please click here

After registration, we will verify your membership by the Sunday before the meeting and send a confirmation email with access information. Please note that the access link is intended for one device only. To ensure adequate time for membership verification, please register by 5 pm the day of the meeting.

For your convenience, the links below provide access to meeting materials for prior review:

For a successful Zoom experience, please observe the following rules:

  1. Maintain respect and courtesy throughout the session.
  2. Use the Zoom “Raise Hand” function to seek recognition. Please avoid interrupting our presenters.
  3. Keep your microphone muted, unmuting only when the chair recognizes you.

We look forward to seeing you online and at future PTSA events!

TJHSST PTSA Executive Committee