Get Involved!

The TJHSST PTSA relies on parent volunteers like YOU to make our programs a success! Parents can support the important work of the TJHSST PTSA in several ways:

Become a Member!

Membership is open to all students attending Thomas Jefferson High School and their parents and guardians, and all Thomas Jefferson High School Staff.

Your membership allows the TJ PTSA to facilitates numerous activities that support our students, our school, teachers and staff, and our families. Each year, programs are chosen and led by members, PTSA leaders, and PTSA volunteers.

Join here at TJ PTSA AtoZ Connect

Volunteer for a Committee, for General Help, or for an Event!

The TJ PTSA is an all-volunteer organization. Every program the PTSA runs is organized and funded by the energetic and generous families of TJHSST. Whether you have the time and energy to chair a committee or prefer to volunteer an hour at an occasional event, YOUR PTSA NEEDS YOU and appreciates all that you do!

Please visit Become a TJ PTSA Committee Member page for more information on the committees. We also in need for general help in Membership, Fundraising, Newsletter, Website, and others. Fill out theĀ Volunteering Interest Form for expressing your interest in helping out!

We will also post individual event volunteering opportunities throughout the year on the various social media and communication channels.

Attend Meetings and Share Your Ideas!

By attending meetings and casting your votes, you are shaping the work and the direction of your PTSA. We would like to hear your ideas/opinions/thoughts and discuss them freely and respectfully during the meetings. You can also share them via this form.