Thank You and Happy Summer from TJ PTSA

Dear TJ Community,

As the school year is coming to an end, the TJ PTSA Board would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for jointly making it another wonderful year for our TJ community!

During this school year, PTSA sponsored/co-sponsored the following activities/events:

  • Regional Welcome Parties
  • Coffee and Desserts with the Principal Series
  • Navigating TJ Math and Science Webinar
  • College Planning Student and Parent Discussion Series
  • Therapy Dog Visits, Book Clubs and Parent Support Groups, Senior Donuts
  • Thanksgiving Staff Luncheon, Holiday Gift Bags for Teachers and Staff, Valentine’s Day Treats to Staff, Teacher Appreciation Spring Luncheon and Volunteer Appreciation Potluck.
  • Cultural Celebrations to include Hispanic Heritage Month, Diwali, Hanukkah, Lunar New Year, Black History Month, Holi and Eid Al Fitr.
  • All Night Graduation Party

PTSA also provided support to the following school activities/events:

  • Freshman Orientation
  • Back to School Bash
  • New Student Preview Night
  • AP Exams (proctoring and snacks)
  • J-Day

Our PTSA programs would not have been successful without your generous donations of food, money and countless hours of volunteering. We sincerely appreciate all of your commitment and dedication. We hope everyone has a relaxing and rejuvenating summer!

— TJPTSA Board