Please sign up to help with the PTSA’s traditional Thanksgiving Luncheon for our amazing staff.
We’re asking for donations for a “Thanksgiving Around the World” buffet and day of event volunteers for a successful luncheon.
Pre-packaged and room temperature items may be dropped off in the Front Office any time before 10:30 am on Friday, November 17.
Hot items need to be dropped off at the Dome between 11:00 am – 11:25 am on Friday, November 17. The luncheon will be held from 11:30 – 1:30 pm.
Please provide an ingredient list card for donated homemade foods.
No items needing refrigeration, please. Disposable containers/utensils only. Vegan/non-dairy or gluten-free options are welcome!
Can’t donate an item this time? Make a monetary donation instead!
Please refer to the October 23rd, This Week @ TJ newsletter for the sign up and monetary donation links.