Volunteer Opportunities

The PTSA relies upon its many parent volunteers to help implement the various programs and events it plans during the year. Please consider spending some of your time helping the TJ community. There are scores of volunteer opportunities at TJ and the PTSA has something for everyone. No matter how much or how little time you have (or how close to or far from school you may be), you find something that accommodates your schedule. Come to TJ once a week, every other week or once a month or serve on an as needed basis. You can even help out from home without ever having to come to TJ (though we would love to see you).

Committee Volunteering Interest

TJPTSA has five standing committees and two special committees. Each committee has one official chair and a few members. Chairs and members are appointed by the Executive Committee. The committee descriptions are here. Think you might be interested? Fill out the Committee Member Interest Form to learn more about these opportunities.

Non-Committee Volunteering Interest

We are also in need for general help in Membership, Fundraising, Newsletter, Website, and others. Fill out the Volunteering Interest Form for expressing your interest in helping out!

Corporate Sponsorship – Helping VP of Fundraising to contact restaurant/tutoring/testing/consultant services/other businesses to generate alternate source of funding or to give benefits/perks to the membership

Graphic/Flyer Maker – Helping creating images, flyers, slideshow (using Canva.com or other tools) for newsletters, website, and other communication channels

Leading/helping running events/panels (as needed)

Other administrative tasks (as needed)

Why I Volunteer with the PTSA

When my son started at TJ, I knew very few people at the school. I was looking to get involved in the TJ community and meet some other parents and families. I had time and energy, so I decided to volunteer for the PTSA. Little did I know how much I would get back from volunteering – I made friends, found mentors, worked with amazing students, and saw the truly special spirit of TJ.

–Renee Rodriguez (’23)

The TJ community is filled with amazing students, staff, and administrators. I’m happy to pitch in when possible to thank staff and administrators for the experience they bring to the school daily – and provide fun opportunities for students.

–Elaine Maag (’23)